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Mahjong is a traditional game for four players that originated in China and popular in the Chinese society. To be the winner of the game, it requires skill, strategy and calculation, as well as a certain degree of luck. The self-published photography periodical, "Mahjong", is a collaboration of five Hong Kong photographers from four different generations. They are Kantai Wong, Karl Chiu, Dustin Shum, Paul Yeung and Vincent Yu. Just like the different strategies of different players in the Mahjong game, the periodical manifests the unique visions of the four photographers towards the society of Hong Kong and mainland China.

這是一本全自資獨立的影象同人誌,由五位本土攝影師組成,各代表香港四代人, 包括黃勤帶 (WONG KANTAI),趙嘉榮(KARL CHIU),岑允逸(DUSTIN SHUM),楊德銘(PAUL YEUNG)及余偉建(VINCENT YU),以影象紀錄香港及中國內地的各種面貌,以攝影各自表現對社會和自身的看法。《麻雀》代表一齊開枱,切磋交流鬆章截糊,我們志在反動!在香港開枱再反枱!

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